Day: Tuesday
Time: 4:00-5:30 pm
(Snack Time: 4:00-4:30 pm)
Class: Durian
Theme: Colourful Animals
Teacher: Ms Yeong
Facts about Tiger & Puppet Show
After the children had done with their snack time, quickly, I played them a video about tigers.
Video: Tigers for Kids: Learn All About Tigers - FreeSchool
Then, I showed them the cardboard picture that I did for the story "Three Little Pigs".
Without much hesitation, I started to tell the story by using all those puppets. The children had a good laugh at it.
After my demonstration of the story, 8 children wanted to take charge of each of the puppet and get me to retell the story again while they act accordingly. Everyone had fun today. I promised the children that we shall do this again on Thursday.