Date: 20th June 2016
Day: Monday
Time: 4:00-5:30 pm
Class: Durian
Theme: Colourful Animals
Teacher: Ms Yeong
Book Sharing
Today, I chose to share story books with the children and we did some discussion at the later part.
I picked 2 books to share with the class today.
1) Click Clack Crocodile Backs by Kathryn White & Joelle Dreidemy
2) Cock~a~Doodle Quack! Quack! by Ivor Baddiel and Sophie Jubb, Illustrated by Ailie Busby
After the story sharing session, we had a discussion on the puppet show that I mentioned to the children some time ago. My initial plan is to get the children to come out with a story of animals on their own. However, they find it difficult. In order to demonstrate to them, I chose to tell the story of the "Three Little Pigs". I get the children to discuss about the characters and the necessary pictures that we needed. We shall try it out tomorrow.