
Art and Craft: Father's Day Present - Mache Bowl (part I)

Date: 13th June 2016
Day: Monday
Time: 4:00-5:30 pm
Class: Durian
Theme: Colourful Animals
Teacher: Ms Yeong

Art and Craft: Father's Day Present - Mache Bowl (part I)

I have discussed with the children about making the bowl as a present for Father's Day which will fall on this coming Sunday.

I played them a video first so that they will have some idea how to handle the glue and paper onto their bowl.

Video: How to make a paper mache bowl

Then, I demonstrated on how to make glue with tapioca flour with cold and hot water.

After that, each of them was given some newspaper to be cut into stripes and pasted them onto the bowl which was being wrapped up with plastic bag.

Somehow, the children managed to complete the basic layer of the bowl.

We shall continue with the art work tomorrow.

