
Puppet Show by the Children

Date: 23rd June 2016
Day: Thursday
Time: 4:00-5:30 pm
Class: Durian
Theme: Colourful Animals
Teacher: Ms Yeong

Puppet Show by the Children

After the demonstration and one of the group children had done on last Tuesday, I get the other group of children to play with the puppet show today.

However, before that, I played them a video about black bear and also replay the tiger video for those who were absent on last Tuesday.

Video: BLACK BEARS: Animals for children. Kids videos. Kindergarten | Preschool learning

After taking a short break, I get the group of children to get ready for the puppet show. They were very excited and wanted to start immediately. Once the children were in their position, I started to narrate the story of the "Three Little Pigs".

Here were some pictures taken:

After the puppet show, there were some 10 minutes left before we called it a day. The children wanted to play with the puppet that I made, therefore, I agreed to leave the puppet in their class so that they could continue playing with it.

